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Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant

Aloe Vera, meaning true or genuine Aloe, is one of the 250 species of Aloes of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family. The plant belongs to genus Aloe and Vera is its classified name. It is also referred to as Aloe Barbadensis meaning from or of Barbados, though many tend to believe the plant originated from Mediterranean. It has been a part of ancient Indian Medicine Ayurveda where it is referred by its Sanskrit name Ghikanwar or Ghritkumari.

Aloe Vera has been called the miracle plant for its various medicinal uses and health benefits. It is been scientifically proven that Aloe Vera when used properly can help the whole person well being.

Health Benefits

The benefits of Aloe Vera are many as it contains all nutrients, 7 essential amino acids, and fatty acids, in addition to being a good stimulant for digestive system. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and healing properties have brought about its extensive use in cosmetology. The plant first became popular due to property not only to heal the skin from burn or wounds, but also to repair, rejuvenate and prevent wrinkles.

Aloe Vera Extract

Extract the juice out of Aloe Vera leaf by breaking and squeezing it. The gel thus acquired can be directly applied (without rubbing) on burns, sunburns and wound, twice a day to facilitate quick healing. There is no need to bandage the damaged skin for protection once Aloe Vera extract has been applied on it.

Feet Mask

Add 4 tbsp. of Aloe Vera extract to the mixture of ½ cup oatmeal, ½ cup corn meal and ½ cup baby lotion. The mixture works as an excellent mask to exfoliate rough skin on feet, knee and elbow.

Exfoliating Scrub

Add 2 tbsp brown sugar and I tbsp of lemon juice to 2 tbsp extract of Aloe Vera leaf. This works as an excellent scrub to exfoliate dull skin, and rejuvenates it to give a younger and healthier look.

Blemish Remover

A mixture of 1 cup coconut oil, 2 cups of sea salt, 2 tbsp. honey added to a cup of Aloe Vera is known to remove blemishes and rough patches on the skin when scrubbed regularly.

Aloe Vera Tonic

Mix 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera in a glass of water and consume before each meal. The soothing properties of Aloe Vera will help repair damaged internal tissues, indigestion, stomach pain and ulcers; whereas its mild laxative property will help in regulation of the digestive system. It is also known to increase immunity of the body, and help people who are undergoing treatments of cancer.

Aloe Vera Brew

Add 1 tsp of Aloe Vera extract to a cup of boiling water and stir it properly. As the extract of Aloe Vera is bitter, either lemon juice or orange juice with honey should be mixed to make it palatable. The regular consumption of this beverage, either hot or cold, is known to give relief from acid reflux, ulcers, liver disorders, obesity and many more. The concoction is good to clean and give relief to eyes.


The yellowish latex beneath the leaf of Aloe Vera contains Aloin which is a powerful laxative. It can be used to relieve constipation, but should be taken in moderate quantity only.

Hair Tonic

Blended and strained Aloe Vera jelly, when applied to the scalp, is an excellent tonic for hair.

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